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A Million Pages a Month

My dear readers, I am still living the dream! How could I have guessed six years ago that more than 1,000,000 - yes! one million - pages of my books would be read each month? In 2010 I began this journey with one thought in mind: to get my stories into the hands of readers. Now, thanks to Amazon reporting, the pages of my books read by ebook readers are reported to me. And it makes my heart burst with gratitude that the greatest dream of my life has come true.

If you have scrolled through my list of books, you may be surprised at the number I've published. So yes, I admit it, I had secretly indulged my craving to write for twelve years before I even published the first book. That gave me a nice head start, let me tell you!

But the story doesn't end there. This year alone I have released three brand new books with Prairie Muse Publishing, with a fourth - CAST IN SCANDAL - coming out this spring; and I've released one new book - BETRAYED BY YOUR KISS - with Montlake Romance. And that doesn't count two books released this year in German and Turkish by Amazon Crossing!

I am truly blessed.

Right now I'm working on two new books for you, and have sketched out my plans for THE TRAITOR'S CLUB. So never fear, dear readers. There are tons of pages coming to fill your reading appetites!

Grateful hugs to all as you Read On!


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